Thursday, February 17, 2011

Youtube link of great Plamo videos

I found this guy in youtube that posted some of the greatest video that can be a usefull reference for modellers an would like to share with all of u guys n gals out there

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Hi There friends, sorry if i hadn't update my blog yet...for the time being i'm taking some time off due to my base check is fast approaching...had to study for the  exam....meanwhile feel free to browse along and put in some comment to my blog.I promised i'll be back with more tips n trade and some new projects...until then regards.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Selamat Hari Raya

Wishing all my friends and visitors Selamat hari Raya

Saturday, September 11, 2010

few artwork

These are some picture of a few of the kits that i had completed...enjoy

Friday, August 27, 2010

My happy day

Hello friends...guess what arrived in my room today. As i told u guys before, m also an avid gamer. Been waiting for starcraft 2 for almost 4 years, heck its about time!.Bought this at a friends store for a good price, seen one in the states tahat cost almost twice the price...well thats all for now, be back with more gundam building tips n trick on my next blog.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Hello there friends, it's been awhile. I apologize for not being able to update the blog as frequently as i like, this is due to my nature of work that requires me to be away from home for quite some time.Anyway, today i would like to bring out something that some of us take for granted, (me included hehe :)) that is research. I can stress the importance of doing research before building any kits including gundam, this trait i learned during my years building scale ww2 aircraft, before i take gundam kits seriously. Even though its purely fantasy but some research might bear great ideas (found out the hard way hehe). In the photo are some good books and magazine that u can find in any bookstore but the gundam weapons books are quite rare to find in Malaysia. I found these books in kinokuya at klcc but it is quite pricey but worth every cents, it also pays to visit some old bookstore if u can find any that sometimes holds unusual books.Researching can give u ideas and tips that u cant learn anywhere, and that's the reason i decided to make this blog so i can share with u guys some tips n trade that i learnt.There are also some magazines u can get from the internet like at this great shop i found,

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Work Station

My Workstation
This my friends is my workstation, it is where all my work is done.Before this i had to build kits on the floor and anywhere there is space.As u can see it's a little cluttered with all my tools and necessary equipment needed.I built the work station with the help of my brother Mej Suhaimi Salleh which can be contacted trough his own blog at work station is actually quite important if ur being serious about being an avid modeller.It keeps ur tools in place and easily accessible, and it also helps to keep ur house clean because all the mess will be in one place.
The other station on the left is my spray booth built by combining a writing table and a three tier shelf. To buy a spray booth from any shop is actually quite expensive.The spray booth is still work in progress and i will show u guys the picture when its done.
One piece of advise though, don't buy ur tools all at once but buy it piece by piece, it saves money and u can decide what u need as u go along.Untill then my friends, regards

My spray booth in full glory
Close up
close up 2
workbench ?.0 lol
Hi again guys n gals (found out that some of the great plamo are gals) Once again m back after quite along break.Sorry to keep u gy n gl waiting, anyway my latest updates is my spray booth n new working room (Hell its about time!).Finally my spray booth is finished.I got the last part that i needed from Giant supermarket at retail price of 69 ringgit.The ventilation fan is actually a major part and important for ur health and ur models.(keep the dust away and no sprayback on ur kits.)and here is my revamp workbench.I had to move to a new room since my eldest daughter is now a teenager and needed more space, or in other word i got kick out hehehe, but m quite happy with the new setting since everything is much nearer now n easily accessible.(accept for the toilet...damn!). But i know for certain that my eldest brother is drooling over my new room huahuahua....(Alodvr...jgn mare arrr...).Oh yea as u can see theres actually a Dacota on my spraybooth. Its my side project to rejuvenate my mind and i'll include it in  near future. Regards